EXHIBIT: Jazz in the Vortex: Poetry, Healing & Self Archaeology

Jazz in the Vortex: Poetry, Healing & Self Archaeology celebrates the fusion of art, poetry and the inspiration of jazz while also inviting exploration of the self, and interpretations of Yolanda Sealy-Ruiz’s poetic work through the lens of jazz music. This unique approach seeks to deepen the participants’ engagement with jazz and create a space for personal growth and self-discovery.

The exhibition features prints from Yolanda’s books Love from the Vortex & Other Poems and The Peace Chronicles along with portrait series that captures the profiles of nine educators, community leaders and practitioners, all of whom have dedicated their lives to — in some shape or form — creating spaces for others to thrive, flourish and heal. We call them the Wounded Healers.

As Wounded Healers, they use their deep understanding of trauma to create conditions for collective flourishing and know the importance of engaging in their own personal healing work to authentically be of service to others. They embrace the challenge of often working and teaching in systems that perpetuate violence and inequality, yet they are resolute in moving through the challenges to bring about a better world. The subjects of this series have dedicated their lives to helping others find wholeness, joy, and hope even as they navigate violent circumstances. They are warriors of a different kind — reflective, undaunted, and tender. Read on to learn about their lives and work.

The National Jazz Museum in Harlem is the perfect venue for this celebration of the essence of jazz and its intersection with healing, poetry and education. The concept of “Archeology of Self™” in jazz music education is intriguing. It suggests that by delving into personal experiences, histories, and emotions, individuals can connect more intimately with the art form.

By exploring the relationship between jazz and self-identity, belonging, and healing, this mini-residency offers a means of fostering connections between jazz and its audience. Jazz has a profound history of being a form of expression and release during difficult times.

By highlighting its healing potential, Dr. Sealey-Ruiz underscores the therapeutic aspects of jazz, emphasizing how it can positively impact both educators and students in an educational setting. This perspective can potentially inspire new methods of teaching and learning, incorporating Jazz as a means of self-expression and healing for students.

An opening night celebration will take place on Tuesday, October 10th at 7pm.  RSVP HERE

Thu, Oct 05 – Sat, Oct 28

National Jazz Museum in Harlem

Current & Upcoming Events

The National Jazz Museum in Harlem House Band led by Christopher McBride
Mon, Feb 24
6:00 pm
Monday Night Jam – hosted by JFA
Mon, Feb 24
6:30 pm

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